
LGBTQIA+ Affirming

Understanding that each experience is unique, I am devoted to creating a safe and affirming space where your identity is not only acknowledged but celebrated, and your life experiences are deeply understood. My specialization extends to supporting individuals across the lifespan, recognizing the distinct challenges faced by those who come out later in life.

Sexuality is a dynamic and integral part of our existence, evolving with each chapter of our lives. Recognizing the intricacies of sexual identity, I offer a space of respect and non-judgmental support as you navigate the complexities of your sexuality at every stage. Whether you’re in the process of questioning, coming out, or seeking a deeper understanding, I am here to walk alongside you with expertise and empathy.

In a world that often defaults to heterosexuality as the norm, the journey of navigating societal pressures can be challenging. Our counseling services provide tangible strategies to help you cope with these pressures, empowering you to live authentically and unapologetically. Together, we work towards building resilience, challenging stereotypes, and fostering self-acceptance in the face of societal expectations.

The LGBTQIA+ community is a vibrant tapestry, woven with a multitude of identities and experiences. At Oakwell Counseling, we honor and validate the unique challenges you may face, whether related to sexuality, gender identity, or the intersectionality of various aspects of your identity. My commitment is unwavering—to understand your individual journey and provide affirming, culturally competent support that is tailored to your specific needs.


Grief is a complex and deeply personal journey, that may stir a whirlwind of emotions within you. It’s completely normal to find yourself engulfed by profound sadness, confusion, and even flashes of anger or frustration.

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Life Transitions

Life is ever-changing and filled with transitions, each moment a steppingstone toward a new chapter. Yet, navigating these shifts are often uncertain times as you navigate uncharted territory, unable to know where the path leads.

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Women’s Issues

In the chaos of your daily life, you embody roles of strength and resilience. Yet, beneath the surface, you may carry the weight of societal expectations, creating issues with anxiety, depression, body image, and identity.

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Interpersonal Relationships

Our relationships shape and mold us in profound ways. They possess the transformative power to be sources of healing and growth, yet they can also leave wounds that demand our attention and care.

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Imagine waking up each day with a knot in your stomach, the weight of unease dictating your every move. Anxiety, like an unwelcome companion, has a way of infiltrating every aspect of your life.

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